SiteUnify for: legionella compliance
SiteUnify for legionella compliance provides a single, cloud-based repository for all water treatment, PPM and remedial works relating to legionella compliance obligations. Site visits are tracked, PDF certification can be downloaded instantly to provide a record of all compliance tasks for auditing purposes. Faults and test results are tracked through the system to ensure nothing is missed.
How does it work?
Data captured onsite during PPM and remedial work visits are captured on the ground via our Android/iOS app. Any recorded faults are flagged and can be reported on via email for instant response, and tracked through the system for auditing purposes. Additionally, sample testing results are uploaded to the system, with instant reporting on any positive test results for immediate action.
What are the benefits?
Cloud based repository for your legionella compliance documentation
SiteUnify holds all the information necessary for your legionella compliance conformity in a convenient, secure cloud based environment. Accessible from any web-connected device at any time.
Records of site visits, PPM schedules and results
Use SiteUnify to drill down to an individual site level, to see the details of site vists that have taken place, faults and advisories recorded, and also see the planned work schedules for these sites. At the top level you can see a global overview of all your sites.
Instant access to documentation: reports and certification
Auditing times are drastically cut with instant access to the documents you need to complete the process, whether that’s internal or external auditing. Tabbed views of the relevant certification as well as intelligent searching means the PDFs you need are only ever a click away.
Carry out your own temp monitoring and flushing logs
SiteUnify gives you the ability to record your own tap temperature readings, with automatic flagging/reporting of out-of-tolerance recording. Weekly flushing of little used outlets can also be recorded; both temps and flushing can be entered via the web app, or as an optional extra, on our mobile app, available for iOS and Android.
Track and action faults to ensure compliance
Faults recorded during site visits are instantly accessible via the browser interface. You can mark these as awaiting action/in progress/completed to ensure these faults are actioned in a timely fashion, meaning no unwanted surprises during audits
Key features
- PPM scheduling – planned maintenance visits are tracked through the system
- Streamline auditing – instant access to all legionella compliance site visits mean internal/external audits are a breeze
- Optional daily email alerts – clients can opt to receive email notification when PPM visits have taken place
- Instant fault reporting – clients can opt to receive email notification when faults are recorded onsite
- ISO 9001 compliance – guarantees quality management for with end-to-end job management
- ISO 14000 compliance – fully paperless workflow management system reduces carbon footprint
Please contact us if you’d like to learn more about how SiteUnify can fully manage your legionella compliance obligations