Pressboost had carried out their own initial research and had identified that a great deal of people in their industry are using electronic filing and almost fully paperless systems. They were looking to move in that direction and were looking for guidance and advice on how to approach moving onto a digital platform for their maintenance pressure and booster sets servicing and installation works.
Doublezero Solutions worked with Pressboost to analyse how their current workflow operated and how servicing tasks were scheduled. After analysis, Pressboost were in agreement that SiteUnify for Water pressurisation systems and pump sets would be an excellent platform to move onto. The next step was to work with Pressboost to digitise their current service reports and provide a customised solution that fit seamlessly into workflow, minimising the impact of moving from a paper-based system onto a fully electronic one.
Feedback from Pressboost regarding SiteUnify is positive across the board; from the back office administrators through to the engineers onsite, and of course importantly Pressboost’s end clients. Administration of contract works is now much simpler, and the engineers have to spend less time completing paperwork as the iPad forms are much quicker to complete. Clients can now download their reports in their own time from the client portal, meaning documentation no longer has to be emailed around. The time between jobs taking place and having them ready to invoice has dropped by over 75%, hugely increasing Pressboost’s workflow efficiency.